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Useful Contacts


Click on the company name to go to their website


Barnwood Trust

01452 614429

0845 504 0670


Citizens Advice Bureau

01453 759954


Environmental Health

01453 754468


The Door Youth Project

01453 756745


Fair Shares

01452 415900

01453 750952


Family Focus

01452 397692


Family Information Service

0800 542 0202


Food Bank

01453 367077


Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support

0845 602 9035


Gloucestershire Advocacy Service 

0800 644 6448 or

01242 694 526 from a mobile


Gloucestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre 

01452 526770


Hope House

01452 754390


Independence Trust

0845 863 8322



01452 381770


ISIS Womens Centre

01452 397690


Maidenhill School

01453 822469


Nelson Trust

01453 885633





01453 750480

Park Junior School

01453 823108


South Gloucestershire and Stroud College

0800 0567 253 (enrolment)

01453 763 424 (Stroud)


Stonehouse Park Infant School & Children’s Centre

01453 821361 (children’s Centre)

01453 823052 (infant school)


Stonehouse Town Council

01453 822070


Stroud District Council

01453 766321


The Samaritans

0845 790 9090

01452 306333


Two Rivers Housing

0800 316 0897 or

0300 100 0896

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