Working together to improve the quality of life on the Park Estate and within Stonehouse
T: 01453 822705 E: aptcentral@btconnect.com F: facebook.com/AllPullingTogether T: @APT_central
APT Community Garden
Here at APT we have been working very hard on our garden project. The Children’s APT Garden Gang are growing fruit, vegetables and flowers in the garden space behind the office. The produce they grow is then available for them to take home to their families.
The children have entered a scarecrow in the Stonehouse Horticultural show and won first prize in the Children’s section of the Stroud District Council garden competition. They have also taken part in the Flowerpot Trail and the Flower Sculpture Trail in Stonehouse Even if the weather is bad the children have indoor activities they can complete which include sowing herbs and craft sessions.
If your child would like to join the Garden Gang please contact the APT Office on 01453 822705. There will be limited spaces and we are looking for a few parents who would like to help supervise the children. If you have an interest in gardening or would like to learn more pop into the office and have a chat with the APT team. You can also contact us on Facebook, twitter or via our website.
Guitar Group
This is a very friendly group open to all levels of experience. Guitars are available so if you would like to have a go, this is the group to join.
Every Monday from 2.00 - 3.00
If you are interested in joining the group please drop in on a Monday and meet Adrian (from P3) who runs the group.
Crafty Stitchers
The Crafty Stitchers meet on Tuesday evenings at the APT Centre, from 7.00 - 9.00pm.
Bring your own project which can be any craft activity.
The group hold a raffle every week and cover the cost of refreshments.
Stonehouse in Pictures 2017
The aim of "Stonehouse in Pictures - 2017" was to capture , in photographs, all aspects of Stonehouse in 2017. Photos can range from people to buildings and events to workplaces. Basically everything about Stonehouse in 2017.
When the project is complete, the photos will be put onto a disc and donated to the Gloucestershire Archives and the Stonehouse History Group, to be used as an historic archive for future generations.
The only rules are that each photo must be accompanied by the following information.
1. The location in Stonehouse.
2. The date on which the photo was taken and
3. The name of the person submitting the photographs
This group is now closed but the facebook site is still open for anyone to upload photographs of Stonehouse to.
All Reading Together
The Book Group meets on the last Friday in the month at the APT Centre, from 7.30 - 8.30pm.
They have an Amazon book account set up so that everyone can access the books. A wide variety of styles and subjects are chosen by the group.
Refreshments available.

Before we landscaped the garden

After we landscaped the garden

Guitar Group

Crafty Stitchers

Stonehouse in Pictures